About Us 關於我們
The School Of Wing Chun Kuen - No Ego, No Bravado, No Politics.
The School Of Wing Chun Kuen was established in 2006 as an independent, not-for-profit school. Class fees are set to a minimum and go towards costs such hiring/renting the space and equipment. We are a small family and each student is seen as an inheritor of the knowledge. Classes are generally small in number as I feel quality is better than quantity, which is why no one is allowed to walk in off the street unannounced. This is in order to maintain a good standard of both teaching and learning without disruption.
I began my Wing Chun in 1998 under Daniel Poon Sifu, senior student of Michael Tse Sifu who in turn is a senior student of Yip Chun Sifu. Soon after Daniel Sifu left the school to live in China, I continued under Mike Baker Sifu another senior Student of Michael Tse Sifu. I spent many years learning from Mike Sifu and I am grateful for such a wonderful and well structured beginning to my learning, I feel his knowledge and nature is a credit to the Tse Qigong Centre.
In 2002 I had the privilege of training with Sisuk (kungfu uncle) Terry Wu, when Terry moved to Birmingham. Being a humble man Terry joined the classes as a student but his wealth of knowledge and skill was astounding. Terry had the privilege of travelling the UK in 2001 with Grandmaster Yip Chun as his translator and subsequently travelled back to Hong Kong to train with the Grandmaster. Terry taught me that being of slight build was no disadvantage, he taught me that being robotic and programmed responses were not the essence of Wing Chun. There is no one ideal technique except action itself is the best of reactions. Being of a very similar build; myself and Terry would often find ourselves segregated from the others spending hours exploring different angles, structures and methods in our Chi Sau as well as utilising speed in both hands and footwork. Although Terry was my Sisuk and took the role as Siheng (elder brother), I do often consider him as my Sifu in regards to the greater perception of Wing Chun he gave me. Terry taught me that knowledge and skill has no limit and is not confined to organisations, bound by politics and is not truly reflected by a persons assumed status.
I qualified as a Wing Chun instructor in 2003 and then chose to leave in 2004/05. Although I eventually chose to part from the school and no longer have an affiliation with them; I still have the utmost respect for the Tse Qigong Centre as a whole.
In 2006 I reluctantly began ‘The School of Wing Chun Kuen’ after being urged to do so by friends and Sidai's (junior brothers), so I began to run a small class within a local community centre which was located there for 2 years.
After contacting Grandmaster Yip Chun in Hong Kong, I was allowed the opportunity to travel to Hong Kong in order train with him and his students. I felt enlightened by the experience and found it highly educational. I noticed a truly humble and honest side to the art, with 'no-frills', no 'gimmicks', no 'bravado', no 'super humans' and certainly no 'myths' or 'mystics' just purely actions rather than words. It was soon after that point that I felt it was time to find our own dedicated location for a full time school.
My aim was to create a traditional environment for both teaching and learning. I had equip the school with traditional training apparatus so that all students can benefit and enhance their practice and skill. I have also ensured that students are instilled with traditional Wing Chun skill and techniques from their very first lesson, rather than drag out their time with regimented drills and activities that digress from the traditional syllabus.
Along with that I feel in order to maintain a good standard of teaching and learning each student should meet a certain criteria when it comes to good character, nature and attitude. Therefore I have kept the school private (closed to the general public) which is in line with Chinese tradition.
In July 2010, due to other commitments the full time school was closed and classes were moved to a small community centre close to Birmingham City Centre.
Classes are currently taught 3 times per week at the Concord Centre in Sparkbrook.
After years of studying the science of Traditional Chinese Medicine, I used my knowledge and qualifications to open a clinic based in Acocks Green, Birmingham. This a part time clinic open on the weekends and I offer various treatments, individually or combined, for a multitude of illnesses and ailments. For more information or to book, please visit https://www.orientaltherapyclinic.co.uk
* The School Of Wing Chun Kuen is a strictly independent school and has no association or affiliation with any other persons or schools, neither does it claim to represent them nor do they represent it. Any views expressed are solely of 'The School Of Wing Chun Kuen'.